Thursday, March 21, 2013

एक पत्रकार का इस्लाम कबूल करना Famous Tamil Writer Accepts Islam

एक पत्रकार का इस्लाम कबूल करना
Famous Tamil Writer Accepts Islam

I have written before that Islam is the religion of intelligent and
educated people. Prior to British occupation, Muslim India had a 100%

literacy rate. Only highly educated and intelligent people are
attracted towards Islam. Abdullah Adyar, famous Tamil Writer is one
such persons.

Journalist,poet,writer and politician Mr.Abdullah Adyar belongs to
well known South Indian
city of Madras.He served for 17 years in the editorial staff of
famous Tamil Daily "Trasoli", where he served as News Edior. The
Editor of this Newspaper was Dr. Karunadhi who later became Chief
Minister of Tamil Nadu. Mr. Adyar is a fiery speaker and belongs to
DMK party. He has written many dramas and has also worked in two
films. He has been writing short stories and is also editor of
"Karudan", a literary magazine. The Tamilnadu government awarded him
Literary award of "Kalaimamani" (Diamond).

His efforts as a political worker bore fruit and Congress was defeated
and DMK won the polls. But Mrs. Indira Gandhi could not tolerate her
defeat and dismissed the provincial
government and put its leaders behind bars. Although they were
political prisioners but they were beaten like common criminals. Since
he was bold and outspoken he got more than equal share of the torture.
At one time he was beaten so badly that his belly cut open and
intestines became visible.

In this state of fear and terror, his soul needed some consolation, so
for the first time
he started thinking about religion. Questions about the Universe and
its Creator came to
his mind and he asked his Christian wife to bring him some books on
Christianity. But he
was not satisfied. Then he read books on Buddhism, Jainism and
Judaism. But none of the religions was able to answer questions that
came to his mind , nor the thirst of his soul
could be satiated.

At long last, he started reading about Islam and the English
Translation of Holy Quran washed the dirt from his soul. He got
answers to all his questions and the Quranic teaching that one must
have only fear of God and one who fears Him is afraid of nobody,
gave him immense courage. He was satisfied that Islam is a complete
code of life and a
natural religion. It can solve the material and spritual problems of

Therefor after release from Jail, he started reading about Islam in
more depth and studied
all books of Syed Maududi and Syed AbulHasan Nadvi as also famous
Tamilnadu Writer P.S.A.
Muhammad (writer of about 100 books) When he became completely
satisfied about the truthfulness of Islam, he started writing in Tamil
daily "Nairotam" about Islam. Later he
published collection of his articales by the name " I love Islam". One
by one he wrote 13
books on Islam, but he had not embraced Islam formally.

Shyam Lal, a Hindu from UP who was impressed by his writings, came all
the way to see him, but when he found that he had still not embraced
Islam, was greatly disappointed and
started crying. Then he remarked : "You are showing light to others
but are yourself are wandering in the dark". He was spellbound. Then
he went to the office of Jamaate Islami
Madras and accepted Islam. After the functiom, the people gathered
around him and showed
great respect and affection as if they loved him more than his own

Mr. Abdullah Adyar is a great admirer of unparallel verse of Holy
Quran. He says it has
such a beautiful and impressive rythm that provides ecstacy to the
listener and brings
tears in his eyes.He says that Holy Quran has given the mankind
courage to fight tyranny, unjust laws and opression. It has enabled
them to fight against war,sickness,
poverty and even death. Thus Quran makes a Muslim brave and honourable
man of character.He
also speaks very highly of Prophet Muhammad.

(In Hindi)
इस्लाम कबूल करने के पहले अब्दुल्लाह अडियार डी। एम.के. के प्रसिद्ध समाचार-पत्र 'मुरासोली के 17 वर्षो तक संपादक रहे। डी.एम.के. नेता सी.एन. अन्नादुराई जो बाद में तमिलनाडु के मुख्यमंत्री भी रहे, ने जनाब अडियार को संपादक पद पर नियुक्त किया था। जनाब अडियार ने 120 उपन्यास, 13 नाटक और इस्लाम पर 12 पुस्तकों की रचनाएं की।
जनाब अब्दुल्लाह अडियार महरहूम तमिल भाषा के प्रसिद्ध कवि, प्रत्रकार, उपन्यासकार और पटकथा लेखक थे। उनका जन्म त्रिरूप्पूर (तमिलनाडु) में हुआ। प्रारंभिक शिक्षा कोयम्बटूर में हुई। वे नास्तिक थे, लेकिन विभिन्न धर्मों की पुस्तकें पढ़ते रहते थे।
किसी पत्रकार और साहित्यकार को विभिन्न धर्मों के बारे में भी जानकारी रखनी पड़ती है। जनाब अब्दुल्लाह अडियार अध्ययन के दौरान इस परिणाम पर पहुंचे कि इस्लाम ही सच्चा धर्म है और मनुष्य के कल्याण की शिक्षा देता है। आखिरकार 6 जून 1987 ई। को वे मद्रास स्थित मामूर मस्जिद गये और इस्लाम कबूल कर लिया। इस्लाम कबूल करने के पहले वे डी।एम।के। के प्रसिद्ध समाचार-पत्र 'मुरासोली के 17 वर्षो तक संपादक रहे। डी।एम.के. नेता सी.एन. अन्नादुराई जो बाद में तमिलनाडु के मुख्यमंत्री भी रहे, ने जनाब अडियार को संपादक पद पर नियुक्त किया था। जनाब अडियार ने 120 उपन्यास, 13 नाटक और इस्लाम पर 12 पुस्तकों की रचनाएं की। इमरजेंसी के दौरान उन्हें गिरफ्तार किया गया और काफी प्रताडि़त किया गया।
जेल में उन्होंने जनाब यूसुफ अली का कुरआन मजीद का अंग्रेजी अनुवाद पढ़ा और उससे काफी प्रभावित हुए। इस्लाम (इस्लाम जिससे मुझे प्यार है) पुस्तिका लिखी, जिसका बाद में हिन्दी, अंग्रेजी, मराठी, सिन्धी, मलयालम और उर्दू में अनुवाद हुआ। उनकी पत्नी थयममल जो ईसाई थीं, इस पुस्तिका को पढ़कर मुसलमान हो गयीं। इसे पढ़कर उ.प्र. के एक जमीदार 1987 ई. में मुसलमान हो गये।
जनाब अब्दुल्लाह अडियार को पाकिस्तान के तत्कालीन राष्ट्रपति जनरल जियाउल हक ने पाकिस्तान आमंत्रित किया और विशेष अतिथि के रूप में उनका स्वागत किया। वे प्रखर वक्ता भी थे और इस्लाम पर धाराप्रवाह बोलते थे। उनके ब्रिटेन में अनेक संभाषण हुए, जिनका विषय था हजरत मुहम्मद (सल्ल.) का पवित्र जीवन। इनके कैसेट उपलब्ध हैं। वे तमिलभाषियों के आमंत्रण पर श्रीलंका और सिंगापुर भी गये। 1932 में तमिलनाडु सरकार ने तमिल साहित्य के विशिष्ट पुरस्कार 'कलाईमम्मानी' से उन्हें पुरस्कृत किया। इमरजेंसी के बाद उन्होंने 'नीरोतम' (पत्रिका) का प्रकाशन किया, जो बहुत लोकप्रिय हुआ। उन्होने नीरोतम प्रकाशन से ही 'तंगागुरूदुन'(पत्रिका) भी प्रकाशित की। जनाब अडियार इस्लाम को एकमात्र मुक्ति मार्ग के रूप में प्रस्तुत करते थे।

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