Tuesday, March 19, 2013

amazing facts about Mosquito

Indeed ! ALLAH is not timid to present an example , that of a Mosquito or what is above it , and those who have believed know that It is the truth from their Lord . but those who disbelieve say " What did ALLAH intend by this as example ? " . He misleads many thereby and guide many thereby . and He misleads not except the defiantly disobedient .

[ Nobel Qur'an 2:114]

The Mosquito ! this Ordinary little creature ..
ALLAH give us its example in the Qur'an to show us how this little creature has an extremely complicated nature

Let us see these amazing facts about Mosquito ...

➻ It has one hundred eyes in its head

➻ It has 48 teeth in its mouth

➻ Inside its little body 3 complete hearts

➻ It has 6 knives in its nose and each knife has its special use

➻ It had 3 wings on each side

➻ In the body of this insect is a X-RAY machine , It use it to distinguish the human skin in darkness into violet color

➻ Its body also contain small vaccine working as local aneasthetic
to help inserting its thorn into human skin

➻ It has an instrument for blood test , as it doesn't like all blood types

➻ It has a special mechanism to speed up the blood flow , so it can draw it faster

And the most strange discovery by the modern science is that there is another very small microscopic insect living on top of this mosquito !!! and that's what ALLAH means by ➭ " Mosquito or what is above it "

Subhan Allah .. [ Does He who created not know, while He is the Subtle, the Acquainted? ] Q 67:14

Praises be to ALLAH The Lord of The Universe

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